TBS Mojito
Date Published

The Mojito
The Mojito is TBS' much anticipated wing release and the successor to the popular TBS Caipirinha 2.
It is manufactured out of injection molded high density foam, with all leading edges reinforced with injection molded plastic parts. The electronics are 8s ready to allow for maximum efficiency for even your most demanding long long range flights.

I have been testing the TBS Mojito for about 3.5 Months now and have flown hundreds of batteries on it. I'n this post, i'll give you a super brief overview over my experience with it.
Package Contents
The Mojito Wing Kit includes the Foams, Servos as well as all necessary carbon Rods.After Unboxing the Wing, you'll find yourself with the following Foam parts.
- Wings Right / Left
- Main Fuselage
- Nose Cap
- Battery Compartment Hatch
- Electronics Bay Hatch

Build processs of the fuselage
In the separately sold Electronics Kit for the Mojito you'll find:
- TBS Wing PDB
- TBS Lucid FC
- TBS Lucid 12S ESC
- TBS Mojito Motor 1000kv

The Servos come preinstalled in the Wing bay and are connected to the Quick Connect connectors facing the body. This allows for a fast and Easy build
I recommend using INAV for your Mojito build. It works great with the TBS Lucid flight-controller and there is a big community for it.My diff for the mojito includes setups for gps navigation modes, RTH, autolaunch and a base tune for this wing. Feel free to download it and use it as a base.
Please validate all settings before flying your wing! I cannot guarantee that this setup will work for all setups.
Flying the Wing
The Wing is ideally launched in INAV autolaunch mode. It worked very reliable and constantly for me. In the Inav dump available in the Section above, you can find my autolaunch settings

The Mojito cruises nicely around 70-80kmh while using around 8Amps on a 8S setup. I got around 15-20 Minutes of mixed flight, while using two 2300mah 4s Lipos from Tattu. I was able to get around 50km of travel in one flight on this setup, which is more than enough for my needs.
These are the batteries i'd recommend if you are not going for super long range.
As the Mojito can stall at around 60kmh, landing is rather tricky. For the first flights i recommend flying in an open area with plenty of space for landing.
Luckily the Mojito has airbrakes on it's wings, which allow you to slow the wing down for landings in places where you don't have the space needed for a normal landing. Keep in mind, that this reduces the maneuverability of the wing, as it restricts the airflow over the control surfaces
This 3d printed nose can be used instead of the foam nose to improve durability and protext your fpv camera during hard landings. It has screw holes for the DJI O3 Air Unit Camera